Destiny house of wolves strike
Destiny house of wolves strike

destiny house of wolves strike

This marked the start of a power struggle between three members of the Wolf nobility: Irxis, Wolf Baroness Parixas, the Howling and Skolas, the Rabid.

destiny house of wolves strike

Their Kell, Virixas was killed in the initial clash, along with a massive portion of the house, which would later be called The Scatter. At some point, their Prime Servitor Kaliks Prime went missing Fikrul, the Fanatic was once a well-regarded Archon Priest of Kaliks, but he was cast out after speaking against the Great Machine and lamenting his species' dependence on Servitors for survival.Īs part of a united Fallen effort, the Wolves intended to join the Battle of Twilight Gap alongside the other Houses, but were stopped at their stronghold of Ceres when the Reef intervened. Years later, after arriving into the Sol system, the Wolves were living out by the Jovians. In the aftermath of the fall, the Wolves were said to have warred with the House of Kings. Prior to arriving in the Solar System, the House of Wolves, then called 'Mraskilaasan', or "Gentle Weavers", was one of many Fallen Houses struggling to survive in the wake of a cataclysmic event known as The Whirlwind. Surrender and I will only take your ships." - Virixas, Kell of Wolves to Queen Mara Sov You are an empty thing with two dead souls. Wolves seen in the House of Wolves cinematic " I am Lord of Wolves.

Destiny house of wolves strike